Massage Therapy

/Massage Therapy

Outcomes are about the client. Modalities are about the therapist.

February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy|Tags: , , , |

As I approach two decades in my career there is one thing that I am proud to have valued since my entry level training in massage school: it is the client’s body and they have the ultimate say on how they get treated.  How do we communicate our expertise in a language that makes sense to [...]

Shouldering the work

April 10th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy|Tags: , |

In my 17 years of doing massage there has always been this strange and wonderful thing that happens: more than occasionally I get a grouping of clients who present a similar complaint. Reflecting on the clients I had the privilege to work with these past few weeks, the shoulder had center stage. When I reviewed my [...]

A few words about my support for the Massage Therapy Foundation

April 2nd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy, Non-profit|

The Massage Therapy Foundation is one of our industry’s best assets. Full disclosure: I have been volunteering for the Foundation since 2010 and have the honor of serving as a Trustee since March 2017. Through my service to the Foundation, I realized that there are many people who don’t know its potential just as I didn’t when [...]

Why I hate the phrase ‘deep tissue massage.’

May 24th, 2016|Categories: Massage Therapy|

I know, not a super positive vibe for my first blog entry here, right? But guys, I LOATHE the term deep tissue. Deep is a relative term. There are so many muscles in your body that are just below skin level. I wouldn’t necessarily classify that in the ‘deep’ category. It has been my [...]

Your partner in healing

July 31st, 2012|Categories: Massage Therapy|

My tagline is “your partner in healing.” I chose this tagline because it empowers my clients.  Too often I have heard people wait for others to tell them what’s wrong with them. It makes one feel like they are not the owner of their own body. Your body belongs to you and no one else. [...]