I know, not a super positive vibe for my first blog entry here, right? But guys, I LOATHE the term deep tissue. Deep is a relative term. There are so many muscles in your body that are just below skin level. I wouldn’t necessarily classify that in the ‘deep’ category. It has been my experience that when a client requests deep tissue, what most people think is firm pressure. It’s been my experience as a person who receives bodywork (yes, of course I get massages too!) that what a client is really looking for accuracy in palpation. However, as it should be, a client wouldn’t inherently know this. Therefore it’s my responsibility as a licensed professional to massage with educated hands. Don’t worry, I’ve got the credentials right here. So don’t be shy about asking me about the type of modalities I do. If all you know are the marketing phrases that are out there, I’m cool with that (despite my initial strong emotional reaction) but I will be asking a ton of clarification questions because it’s not about the modality (type of massage) but about your goal for the outcome of the massage.