

Outcomes are about the client. Modalities are about the therapist.

February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy|Tags: , , , |

As I approach two decades in my career there is one thing that I am proud to have valued since my entry level training in massage school: it is the client’s body and they have the ultimate say on how they get treated.  How do we communicate our expertise in a language that makes sense to [...]

Shouldering the work

April 10th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy|Tags: , |

In my 17 years of doing massage there has always been this strange and wonderful thing that happens: more than occasionally I get a grouping of clients who present a similar complaint. Reflecting on the clients I had the privilege to work with these past few weeks, the shoulder had center stage. When I reviewed my [...]

A few words about my support for the Massage Therapy Foundation

April 2nd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Massage Therapy, Non-profit|

The Massage Therapy Foundation is one of our industry’s best assets. Full disclosure: I have been volunteering for the Foundation since 2010 and have the honor of serving as a Trustee since March 2017. Through my service to the Foundation, I realized that there are many people who don’t know its potential just as I didn’t when [...]